Najava: Festival levande / Lavender festival, Velo Grablje
9. Festival levande održat će se 30. lipnja – 1. srpnja 2017. u Velom Grablju na Hvaru. Organizator je udruga Pjover, a Festival je pun zanimljivog i bogatog sadržaja i ne propušta se!
9th Lavender festival is held on June 30th – July 1st 2017 in Velo Grablje, island Hvar. Organizer is Pjover association, the Festival is full of interesting and rich activities and is not to be missed!
U okviru Festivala tradicionalno će se prvog dana održati i radionica obnove suhozida, paralelno sa žetvom lavande. Prava uživancija…
During the 1st Festival day, a dry stone workshop will be held along with lavender harvest in Hvar lavander fields. Real delight…
Do you have any idea (dates?) when the festival will be held next year?
So far, it started on the last Friday of June.