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Crna ovca: Radionica obnove mrgara

May 18 - May 19

Organizator: Društvo Sinjali Baška
Voditelji: Dragodid

Dijelimo poziv:

📍 Lokacija: NA STARIH MRGARI – NOVI (na putu prema lokvi Diviška)
📆 Datum: 18.05.2024. i 19.05.2024.
🕣 Mjesto i vrijeme polaska: ispred restorana Mošuna (Draga Bašćanska), 08.30 h
✍️ Prijava na radionicu na mail 📧 info@sinjali.hr (ime, prezime, broj mobitela, email), kontakt telefon 📱 091 1856 533, Branka Polonijo
Na visoravnima iznad bašćanske doline nalaze se najljepši primjeri suhozidnih ovčara u obliku kamenih cvjetova – mrgara. Od davnina su služili pastirima za zajedničko sakupljanje ovaca na prostranim kamenim pašnjacima.
Naučite principe i primjenu tradicionalne tehnike gradnje suhozida pod stručnim vodstvom mentora iz udruge „4 grada Dragodid“. Radionica je BESPLATNA , a za volontere je osiguran alat, zaštitne rukavice i topli obrok nakon završetka radionice.
Treba ponijeti čvrstu obuću i radnu odjeću, zaštitu od sunca, vodu i suhi obrok. I ove godine radionica se odvija kao dio manifestacije Crna ovca. Nakon radionice moći ćete uživati u bogatom glazbenom, kulturnom, sportskom i gastro programu Crne ovce.
Pridružite nam se u očuvanju stare graditeljske baštine i naučite vještinu slaganja kamena bez vezivnog materijala.

📍 Location: AT THE OLD MRGARI – NOVI (on the way to the Diviška pond)
📆 Date: May 18, 2024, and May 19, 2024
🕣 Meeting point and departure time: in front of the Mošun restaurant (Draga Bašćanska), 08:30 am
✍️ Registration for the workshop via email 📧 at info@sinjali.hr (name, surname, phone number, email), contact phone 📱 091 1856 533, Branka Polonijo
On the plateaus above the Baška Valley, you can find the most beautiful examples of dry stone sheepfolds shaped like stone flowers – mrgari. Since ancient times, they have served shepherds for collective gathering of sheep on vast rocky pastures.
Learn the principles and application of the traditional dry stone building technique under the expert guidance of mentors from the association “4 grada Dragodid”. The workshop is FREE, and tools, protective gloves, and a warm meal after the workshop are provided for volunteers.
Please bring sturdy footwear and work clothes, sun protection, water, and a dry snack. This year, the workshop is part of the Crna ovca (black sheep) event. After the workshop, you will be able to enjoy a rich musical, cultural, sports, and gastronomic program of Crna ovca.
Join us in preserving the old architectural heritage and learn the skill of stacking stones without any binding material


May 18
May 19

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